- HONEST-TASTING HONEY: Nate’s Honey is crafted for exceptional taste as we take great care in the honey varietals we choose for our honey blend, ultimately creating a flavor that is award-winning
- RAW AND UNFILTERED HONEY: We don’t kill the natural goodness of honey with high heat and the only thing we filter out is beeswax, leaving natural pollen intact
- HONEY PURITY GUARANTEE: Our honey purity guarantee means our honey is 100% pure, guaranteed; through comprehensive internal and third-party testing measures, we ensure every bottle is as simple and pure as it is straight from the beehive
- ALL NATURAL SWEETENER: Add to coffee, tea, or smoothies; drizzle on toast, pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, or yogurt; use for cooking and baking; enjoy on its own during or after a workout
- LONG LIVE THE HONEYBEES: We give back to bee health by partnering with responsible beekeepers and funding leading university programs for bee health research